Friday, February 8, 2019

What’s the difference between Mat New York Pilates and Reformer New York Pilates:

Both classes work the same muscles in the same approach, but simply with different challenges. Matwork Pilates (Pilates exercises in New York City) takes place on the ground and can be done without any equipment or with small items to make it tougher. Reformer classes use Universal Reformers. These are frame structures with springs and pulleys that offer resistance as exercises are carried out, and provide a symmetrical grid to work in.


With Reformers, the closed chain environment provides a very effective workout. We will really work on correcting hip, knee and ankle alignment and improving the tracking of the knee. Particularly helpful for runners with knee issues, we can focus on the vastus medialis obliquus, one of your quadriceps. Even if runners often get strong quads, this stabilizing muscle can be weak. There’s also a Reformer attachment known as a jump board, which is nice for improving your running action. In terms of matwork, the main benefit is you will do matwork anywhere, especially before and after your run. Unless you live above a studio you will not have access to the equipment 24/7. Pilates exercises in New York City accessories are widely accessible to buy if you wish to supplement your routine. With the Reformer, you can get slightly faster results by just doing the matwork, but realistically most runners aren't going to have access to a Reformer before and after they run. So, what they’ve got to do is come up with some simple exercises to do.

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